EMI Magnetic Shielding Alloys Supplier | Custom Fabricated Shields | MuMETAL® Science Research and Education
WORLDWIDE MANUFACTURER and  DISTRIBUTOR Since 1941   Magnetic Shield Corporation, a division of Perfection Mica Company, is the premier supplier of custom magnetic shielding alloys and custom Built shields.




Following are the critical design factors for manufacturing and use of a MuMETAL® Zero Gauss Chamber.


Most Zero Gauss Chambers are operated in Earth’s field, which is usually about 0.5 Gauss. In most environments, however, there are additional sources of magnetic fields, usually 60 Hertz and its harmonics. Since all magnetic fields around the chamber are part of the ambient magnetic field, their magnitude must be considered as part of the shielding requirement. For strong external fields, the outer layer may be manufactured from our high saturation NETIC® Alloy.


The number of concentric shields (layers) required is a function of the degree of Attenuation (A) desired. Typically three layers are required, however, additional layers may be added. The external field strength (HO) and the maximum allowable magnetic field inside the chamber (Hi), or the required attenuation, are determined by the customer. To achieve internal magnetic fields of 10 milliGauss or less, additional layers and a Degaussing Coil are usually required.


For best results, the inside chamber diameter should be as small as possible because attenuation is inversely proportional to diameter. The inside depth should be 2-3 times longer than the inside diameter to provide a workable area.


Normal room conditions usually do not present any problems. High or low operating temperatures may affect the insulation of an optional Degaussing Coil. The operating range of MuMETAL® alloys is –452°F (–269°C) to 850°F (454°C). Operation in a vacuum will preclude use of plastics and many finishes because of outgassing.


Typically .025" [0,64mm] is the minimal wall thickness for Zero Gauss Chamber construction. Thicker materials are used on large diameter chambers to provide more attenuation. After fabrication and Perfection Anneal, MuMETAL® alloy is relatively soft. Consequently, the chambers must be fabricated with sufficient wall thickness to maintain the physical integrity of the assembly. The chamber must be able to support itself and provide sufficient strength to support the item being shielded.


Holes are specified by the customer, for connecting power and signal cables to the interior. Access holes should be as few and as small as possible to minimize interfering field fringe into the chamber. Hole axes should be perpendicular (transverse) to the ambient field. The minimum distance between any two holes in a shield should be equal to the diameter of the larger hole. Interfering field fringe can be substantially reduced with cylindrical extensions welded onto the outer surface of the chamber assembly, and by using our SPIRA-SHIELD conduit or Co-NETIC® AA CABLE SHIELD to shield cables.

Typically, the close-fitting removable covers have a lip of 1.0" [25,4mm] to avoid magnetic field leakage and still allow access to the chamber interior. For easy cover removal, each cover is typically provided with a .88" [22mm] hole in the center to allow removal with a finger.


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